Selected Publications
Music Scores
Lai, S. P. (2017) “The Golden Gown”, R. Tsang (Eds.), Tang Poetry for Choirs Vol.1 (112-123). Hong Kong: InTuition Creative Learning Ltd.
唐詩合唱原創曲集卷 - 金縷衣
Lai, S. P. (2009) "We Gather Here Together/ Somewhere Faraway" for elementary chorus, SATB chorus, Vocal Jazz chorus, piano and rhythm section (optional), International Choral Jazz Festival Theme Songs' Collection (35-52).
2011 International Choral Jazz and Mass Participatory Musicking Festival.
國際爵士合唱節主題曲集 - 在那遙遠的地方
Lai, S. P. (2007) Taiwanese Suite for piano trio
Taipei: Chuan-yin Music Publishing.
Lai, S. P. (2006) Spiritual Touches for 2 sheng, pipa and ruan ensemble. Musicarama 2006, Hong Kong Composers' Guild. (This score was for sale at the premiere concert.)
Book Chapters
Lai, S. P. (2016) “Section C: Teaching Methodology”, “Section D: Evaluation Procedure”, Music Composition Training Programme with Cultural Exploration - Teaching Manual, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, 768-82.
Lai, S. P. (2013) “Creative music culture through vernacular songs for education by different generations of Hong Kong composer–educators”, Chapter 15, Creative Arts in Education and Culture: Perspectives from Greater China, edited by Leong & Leung, Dordrecht: Springer, 205-219.
Lai, S. P. (2012) “Youth and Music Creativity: The Development of School Music Creativity in Hong Kong”, featured article for Hong Kong Central Library Exhibition - Youth and Music Creativity, presented by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild and Hong Kong Central Library, exhibited at the Arts Resource Centre, 10/F of the Hong Kong Central Library, 1st October – 31st December 2012
Lai, S. P. (2013) 音樂新一代2013: 敲出幻想世界 “New Generation 2013: Striking an Imaginary Sound World,” CASHFLOW, The Hong Kong Composers & Authors Society, Issue 72, pp. 29-33
Lai, S. P. (2010) 音樂新一代2010: 香港80後年輕作曲家的多様化意念 “New Generation 2010: Diversity of Ideas among Post-80s Hong Kong Young Composers,” CASHFLOW, The Hong Kong Composers & Authors Society, Issue 63, pp. 10-14.
Lai, S. P. (2009) 音樂新一代2009: 體現誇文化聲響世界 “New Generation 2009: Showcase of a Cross -Cultural Sound World” CASHFLOW, The Hong Kong Composers & Authors Society, Issue 60, pp. 10-12
Lai, S. P. (2010). 如何欣賞爵士樂?“How to Appreciate Jazz,” Music Companion, The Hong Kong Music Institute, Vol. 93, pp. 37-39.
Lai, S. P. (2009) 中西調式之比較 “Comparison between Chinese and Western Modal Scales” Music Companion, The Hong Kong Music Institute, Vol. 92, pp. 37-39.
Lai, S. P. (2008) 作曲ABC “Composition ABC” Music Companion, The Hong Kong Music Institute, Vol. 91, pp. 7-9.
Lai, S. P. (2007), 從聯合國教科文組織音樂評議會2007 一 觀察及探討現代音樂風格 “Contemplating Today’s Musical Styles: An Observation of International Rostrum of Composers 2007” Music Companion, The Hong Kong Music Institute, Vol. 90, pp. 25-27.
Lai, S. P. (2007), 穿梭於調式、調性與無調性之間 “Moving in and out of Modality, Tonality and Atonality: A New Investigation on Contemporary Tonal Systems” Music Companion, The Hong Kong Music Institute, Vol. 90 pp. 31-33.
Lai, S. P. (2006), 學習作曲的歷程 “The Journey to be a Composer” Music Companion, The Hong Kong Music Institute, Vol. 89 pp. 26-27.